Source code for UUTrack.Model.workerSaver

    When working with multi threading in Python it is important to define the function that will be run in a separate
    thread. workerSaver is just a function that will be moved to a separate, parallel thread to save data to disk
    without interrupting the acquisition.

    Since the workerSaver function will be passed to a different Process (via the *multiprocessing* package) the only
    way for it to receive data from other threads is via a Queue. The workerSaver will run continuously until it finds a
    string as the next item.

    To understand how the separate process is created, please refer to

    The general principle is

        >>> filename = 'name.hdf5'
        >>> q = Queue()
        >>> metadata = _session.serialize() # This prints a YAML-ready version of the session.
        >>> p = Process(target=workerSaver, args=(filename, metaData, q,))
        >>> p.start()
        >>> q.put([1, 2, 3])
        >>> q.put('Stop')
        >>> p.join()

    :copyright: 2017

    .. sectionauthor:: Aquiles Carattino <>

import h5py
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime

[docs]def workerSaver(fileData, meta, q): """Function that can be run in a separate thread for continuously save data to disk. :param str fileData: the path to the file to use. :param str meta: Metadata. It is kept as a string in order to provide flexibility for other programs. :param Queue q: Queue that will store all the images to be saved to disk. """ f = h5py.File(fileData, "a") # This will append the file. now = str( g = f.create_group(now) keep_saving = True # Flag that will stop the worker function if running in a separate thread. # Has to be submitted via the queue a string 'exit' g.create_dataset('metadata', data=meta.encode("ascii","ignore")) i = 0 j = 0 first = True while keep_saving: while not q.empty() or q.qsize()>0: img = q.get() if isinstance(img, str): keep_saving = False elif first: # First time it runs, creates the dataset x = img.shape[0] y = img.shape[1] allocate_memory = 250 # megabytes of memory to allocate allocate = int(allocate_memory/img.nbytes*1024*1024) print('Allocate: %s' % allocate) d = np.zeros((x,y,allocate),dtype='uint16') dset = g.create_dataset('timelapse', (x, y, allocate), maxshape=(x, y, None), compression='gzip', compression_opts=1, dtype='i2') # The images are going to be stacked along the z-axis. #dset[:, :, i] = img # The shape along the z axis will be increased as the number of images increase. # dset = g.create_dataset('thumbnail',data = imsave(img)) d[:,:,i] = img i += 1 first = False else: if i == allocate: dset[:,:,j:j+allocate] = d dset.resize((x,y,j+2*allocate)) d = np.zeros((x, y, allocate),dtype='uint16') i = 0 j += allocate d[:, :, i] = img i+=1 if j>0 or i>0: dset[:, :, j:j+allocate] = d # Last save before closing print('Finishing writing to disk...') f.flush() f.close() print('Finish writing to disk')
[docs]def clearQueue(q): """Clears the queue by reading it. :params q: Queue to be cleaned. """ while not q.empty() or q.qsize()>0: q.get()