Source code for UUTrack.Controller.devices.hamamatsu.hamamatsu_camera

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    File taken from `ZhuangLab <>`_

    A ctypes based interface to Hamamatsu cameras.
    (tested on a sCMOS Flash 4.0).

    The documentation is a little confusing to me on this subject..
    I used c_int32 when this is explicitly specified, otherwise I use c_int.

    .. todo:: I'm using the "old" functions because these are documented. Switch to the "new" functions at some point.

    .. todo:: How to stream 2048 x 2048 at max frame rate to the flash disk? The Hamamatsu software can do this.

    .. sectionauthor:: Hazen Babcock 10/13


import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import numpy

# Hamamatsu constants.


DCAMPROP_ATTR_HASVALUETEXT = int("0x10000000", 0)
DCAMPROP_ATTR_READABLE = int("0x00010000", 0)
DCAMPROP_ATTR_WRITABLE = int("0x00020000", 0)

DCAMPROP_OPTION_NEAREST = int("0x80000000", 0)
DCAMPROP_OPTION_NEXT = int("0x01000000", 0)
DCAMPROP_OPTION_SUPPORT = int("0x00000000", 0)

DCAMPROP_TYPE_MODE = int("0x00000001", 0)
DCAMPROP_TYPE_LONG = int("0x00000002", 0)
DCAMPROP_TYPE_REAL = int("0x00000003", 0)
DCAMPROP_TYPE_MASK = int("0x0000000F", 0)

DCAMWAIT_TIMEOUT_INFINITE = int("0x80000000", 0)



DCAM_IDPROP_EXPOSURETIME = int("0x001F0110", 0)
DCAM_IDSTR_MODEL = int("0x04000104", 0)

[docs]class DCAM_PARAM_PROPERTYATTR(ctypes.Structure): """The dcam property attribute structure.""" _fields_ = [("cbSize", ctypes.c_int32), ("iProp", ctypes.c_int32), ("option", ctypes.c_int32), ("iReserved1", ctypes.c_int32), ("attribute", ctypes.c_int32), ("iGroup", ctypes.c_int32), ("iUnit", ctypes.c_int32), ("attribute2", ctypes.c_int32), ("valuemin", ctypes.c_double), ("valuemax", ctypes.c_double), ("valuestep", ctypes.c_double), ("valuedefault", ctypes.c_double), ("nMaxChannel", ctypes.c_int32), ("iReserved3", ctypes.c_int32), ("nMaxView", ctypes.c_int32), ("iProp_NumberOfElement", ctypes.c_int32), ("iProp_ArrayBase", ctypes.c_int32), ("iPropStep_Element", ctypes.c_int32)]
[docs]class DCAM_PARAM_PROPERTYVALUETEXT(ctypes.Structure): """The dcam text property structure.""" _fields_ = [("cbSize", ctypes.c_int32), ("iProp", ctypes.c_int32), ("value", ctypes.c_double), ("text", ctypes.c_char_p), ("textbytes", ctypes.c_int32)]
[docs]def convertPropertyName(p_name): """"Regularizes" a property name. We are using all lowercase names with the spaces replaced by underscores. @param p_name The property name string to regularize. @return The regularized property name.""" a = p_name.decode('ascii') b = a.lower() c = b.replace(" ","_") return c
[docs]class DCAMException(Exception): """Camera exceptions.""" def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self, message)
# dcam = ctypes.windll.dcamapi # # temp = ctypes.c_int32(0) # if (dcam.dcam_init(None, ctypes.byref(temp), None) != DCAMERR_NOERROR): # raise DCAMException("DCAM initialization failed.") # n_cameras = temp.value
[docs]class HCamData(): """Hamamatsu camera data object. Initially I tried to use create_string_buffer() to allocate storage for the data from the camera but this turned out to be too slow. The software kept falling behind the camera and create_string_buffer() seemed to be the bottleneck.""" def __init__(self, size): """Create a data object of the appropriate size. @param size The size of the data object in bytes.""" self.np_array = numpy.empty((int(size/2), 1), dtype=numpy.uint16) self.size = size ## __getitem__ # # @param slice The slice of the item to get. # def __getitem__(self, slice): return self.np_array[slice] ## copyData # # Uses the C memmove function to copy data from an address in memory # into memory allocated for the numpy array of this object. # # @param address The memory address of the data to copy. # def copyData(self, address): ctypes.memmove(, address, self.size) ## getData # # @return A numpy array that contains the camera data. # def getData(self): return self.np_array ## getDataPtr # # @return The physical address in memory of the data. # def getDataPtr(self): return
class HamamatsuCamera(): CAPTUREMODE_SNAP = 0 CAPTUREMODE_SEQUENCE = 1 """Basic camera interface class. This version uses the Hamamatsu library to allocate camera buffers. Storage for the data from the camera is allocated dynamically and copied out of the camera buffers.""" def __init__(self, camera_id): """Open the connection to the camera specified by camera_id. @param camera_id The id of the camera (an integer).""" self.buffer_index = 0 self.camera_id = camera_id self.dcam = ctypes.windll.dcamapi self.debug = False self.frame_bytes = 0 self.frame_x = 0 self.frame_y = 0 self.last_frame_number = 0 = {} self.max_backlog = 0 self.number_image_buffers = 0 # Open the camera. self.camera_handle = ctypes.c_void_p(0) self.temp = ctypes.c_int32(0) if (self.dcam.dcam_init(None, ctypes.byref(self.temp), None) != DCAMERR_NOERROR): raise DCAMException("DCAM initialization failed.") self.n_cameras = self.temp.value self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_open(ctypes.byref(self.camera_handle), ctypes.c_int32(self.camera_id), None), "dcam_open") self.camera_model = self.getModelInfo(camera_id) # Get camera properties. = self.getCameraProperties() # Get camera max width, height. self.max_width = self.getPropertyValue("image_width")[0] self.max_height = self.getPropertyValue("image_height")[0] self.setmode(self.CAPTUREMODE_SEQUENCE) # By default is a sequence def settrigger(self,mode): TRIGMODE = ctypes.c_int32(mode) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_settriggermode(self.camera_handle,TRIGMODE),'settriggermode') DCAM_TRIGGERMODE = ctypes.c_int32(0) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_gettriggermode(self.camera_handle,ctypes.byref(DCAM_TRIGGERMODE)),'gettrigermode') return DCAM_TRIGGERMODE.value def setmode(self, mode): """Sets the acquisition mode of the camera.""" self.mode = mode def settrigger(self,mode): TRIGMODE = ctypes.c_int32(mode) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_settriggermode(self.camera_handle,TRIGMODE),'settriggermode') DCAM_TRIGGERMODE = ctypes.c_int32(0) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_gettriggermode(self.camera_handle,ctypes.byref(DCAM_TRIGGERMODE)),'gettrigermode') return DCAM_TRIGGERMODE.value def settrigger(self,mode): TRIGMODE = ctypes.c_int32(mode) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_settriggermode(self.camera_handle,TRIGMODE),'settriggermode') DCAM_TRIGGERMODE = ctypes.c_int32(0) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_gettriggermode(self.camera_handle,ctypes.byref(DCAM_TRIGGERMODE)),'gettrigermode') return DCAM_TRIGGERMODE.value def initCamera(self): # # Initialization # #self.dcam = ctypes.windll.dcamapi self.captureSetup() def captureSetup(self): """Capture setup (internal use only). This is called at the start of new acquisition sequence to determine the current ROI and get the camera configured properly.""" self.buffer_index = -1 self.last_frame_number = 0 # Set sub array mode. self.setSubArrayMode() # Get frame properties. self.frame_x = self.getPropertyValue("image_width")[0] self.frame_y = self.getPropertyValue("image_height")[0] self.frame_bytes = self.getPropertyValue("image_framebytes")[0] # Set capture mode. self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_precapture(self.camera_handle, ctypes.c_int(self.mode)), "dcam_precapture") def checkStatus(self, fn_return, fn_name= "unknown"): """Check return value of the dcam function call. Throw an error if not as expected? @return The return value of the function.""" #if (fn_return != DCAMERR_NOERROR) and (fn_return != DCAMERR_ERROR): # raise DCAMException("dcam error: " + fn_name + " returned " + str(fn_return)) if (fn_return == DCAMERR_ERROR): c_buf_len = 80 c_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_buf_len) c_error = self.dcam.dcam_getlasterror(self.camera_handle, c_buf, ctypes.c_int32(c_buf_len)) raise DCAMException("dcam error " + str(fn_name) + " " + str(c_buf.value)) #print "dcam error", fn_name, c_buf.value return fn_return def getCameraProperties(self): """Return the ids & names of all the properties that the camera supports. This is used at initialization to populate the attribute. @return A python dictionary of camera properties.""" c_buf_len = 64 c_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_buf_len) properties = {} prop_id = ctypes.c_int32(0) # Reset to the start. ret = self.dcam.dcam_getnextpropertyid(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(prop_id), ctypes.c_int32(DCAMPROP_OPTION_NEAREST)) if (ret != 0) and (ret != DCAMERR_NOERROR): self.checkStatus(ret, "dcam_getnextpropertyid") # Get the first property. ret = self.dcam.dcam_getnextpropertyid(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(prop_id), ctypes.c_int32(DCAMPROP_OPTION_NEXT)) if (ret != 0) and (ret != DCAMERR_NOERROR): self.checkStatus(ret, "dcam_getnextpropertyid") self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_getpropertyname(self.camera_handle, prop_id, c_buf, ctypes.c_int32(c_buf_len)), "dcam_getpropertyname") # Get the rest of the properties. last = -1 while prop_id.value != last: last = prop_id.value properties[convertPropertyName(c_buf.value)] = prop_id.value ret = self.dcam.dcam_getnextpropertyid(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(prop_id), ctypes.c_int32(DCAMPROP_OPTION_NEXT)) if (ret != 0) and (ret != DCAMERR_NOERROR): self.checkStatus(ret, "dcam_getnextpropertyid") self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_getpropertyname(self.camera_handle, prop_id, c_buf, ctypes.c_int32(c_buf_len)), "dcam_getpropertyname") return properties def fireTrigger(self): """Triggers the camera when in software mode.""" self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_firetrigger(self.camera_handle),"dcam_firetrigger") print('TRIG') def getFrames(self): """Gets all of the available frames. This will block waiting for new frames even if there new frames available when it is called. @return [frames, [frame x size, frame y size]].""" frames = [] for n in self.newFrames(): # Lock the frame in the camera buffer & get address. data_address = ctypes.c_void_p(0) row_bytes = ctypes.c_int32(0) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_lockdata(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(data_address), ctypes.byref(row_bytes), ctypes.c_int32(n)), "dcam_lockdata") # Create storage for the frame & copy into this storage. hc_data = HCamData(self.frame_bytes) hc_data.copyData(data_address) # Unlock the frame. # # According to the documentation, this would be done automatically # on the next call to lockdata, but we do this anyway. self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_unlockdata(self.camera_handle), "dcam_unlockdata") frames.append(hc_data) return [frames, [self.frame_x, self.frame_y]] def getModelInfo(self, camera_id): """Returns the model of the camera @param camera_id The (integer) camera id number. @return A string containing the camera name.""" c_buf_len = 20 c_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_buf_len) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_getmodelinfo(ctypes.c_int32(camera_id), ctypes.c_int32(DCAM_IDSTR_MODEL), c_buf, ctypes.c_int(c_buf_len)), "dcam_getmodelinfo") return c_buf.value def getProperties(self): """Return the list of camera properties. This is the one to call if you want to know the camera properties. @return A dictionary of camera properties.""" return def getPropertyAttribute(self, property_name): """Return the attribute structure of a particular property. FIXME (OPTIMIZATION): Keep track of known attributes? @param property_name The name of the property to get the attributes of. @return A DCAM_PARAM_PROPERTYATTR object.""" p_attr = DCAM_PARAM_PROPERTYATTR() p_attr.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(p_attr) p_attr.iProp =[property_name] ret = self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_getpropertyattr(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(p_attr)), "dcam_getpropertyattr") if (ret == 0): print(" property %s is not supported" % property_name) return False else: return p_attr def getPropertyText(self, property_name): """Return the text options of a property (if any). @param property_name The name of the property to get the text values of. @return A dictionary of text properties (which may be empty).""" prop_attr = self.getPropertyAttribute(property_name) if not (prop_attr.attribute & DCAMPROP_ATTR_HASVALUETEXT): return {} else: # Create property text structure. prop_id =[property_name] v = ctypes.c_double(prop_attr.valuemin) prop_text = DCAM_PARAM_PROPERTYVALUETEXT() c_buf_len = 64 c_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_buf_len) #prop_text.text = ctypes.c_char_p(ctypes.addressof(c_buf)) prop_text.cbSize = ctypes.c_int32(ctypes.sizeof(prop_text)) prop_text.iProp = ctypes.c_int32(prop_id) prop_text.value = v prop_text.text = ctypes.addressof(c_buf) prop_text.textbytes = c_buf_len # Collect text options. done = False text_options = {} while not done: # Get text of current value. self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_getpropertyvaluetext(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(prop_text)), "dcam_getpropertyvaluetext") text_options[prop_text.text] = int(v.value) # Get next value. ret = self.dcam.dcam_querypropertyvalue(self.camera_handle, ctypes.c_int32(prop_id), ctypes.byref(v), ctypes.c_int32(DCAMPROP_OPTION_NEXT)) prop_text.value = v if ret == 0: done = True return text_options def getPropertyRange(self, property_name): """Return the range for an attribute. @param property_name The name of the property (as a string). @return [minimum value, maximum value].""" prop_attr = self.getPropertyAttribute(property_name) temp = prop_attr.attribute & DCAMPROP_TYPE_MASK if (temp == DCAMPROP_TYPE_REAL): return [float(prop_attr.valuemin), float(prop_attr.valuemax)] else: return [int(prop_attr.valuemin), int(prop_attr.valuemax)] def getPropertyRW(self, property_name): """Return if a property is readable / writeable. @return [True/False (readable), True/False (writeable)].""" prop_attr = self.getPropertyAttribute(property_name) rw = [] # Check if the property is readable. if (prop_attr.attribute & DCAMPROP_ATTR_READABLE): rw.append(True) else: rw.append(False) # Check if the property is writeable. if (prop_attr.attribute & DCAMPROP_ATTR_WRITABLE): rw.append(True) else: rw.append(False) return rw def getPropertyValue(self, property_name): """Return the current setting of a particular property. @param property_name The name of the property. @return [the property value, the property type].""" # Check if the property exists. if not (property_name in print(" unknown property name: %s"%property_name) return False prop_id =[property_name] # Get the property attributes. prop_attr = self.getPropertyAttribute(property_name) # Get the property value. c_value = ctypes.c_double(0) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_getpropertyvalue(self.camera_handle, ctypes.c_int32(prop_id), ctypes.byref(c_value)), "dcam_getpropertyvalue") # Convert type based on attribute type. temp = prop_attr.attribute & DCAMPROP_TYPE_MASK if (temp == DCAMPROP_TYPE_MODE): prop_type = "MODE" prop_value = int(c_value.value) elif (temp == DCAMPROP_TYPE_LONG): prop_type = "LONG" prop_value = int(c_value.value) elif (temp == DCAMPROP_TYPE_REAL): prop_type = "REAL" prop_value = c_value.value else: prop_type = "NONE" prop_value = False return [prop_value, prop_type] def isCameraProperty(self, property_name): """Check if a property name is supported by the camera. @param property_name The name of the property. return True/False if property_name is a supported camera property. """ if (property_name in return True else: return False def newFrames(self): """Return a list of the ids of all the new frames since the last check. This will block waiting for at least one new frame. @return [id of the first frame, .. , id of the last frame] """ # Wait for a new frame. dwait = ctypes.c_int(DCAMCAP_EVENT_FRAMEREADY) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_wait(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(dwait), ctypes.c_int(DCAMWAIT_TIMEOUT_INFINITE), None), "dcam_wait") # Check how many new frames there are. b_index = ctypes.c_int32(0) # Is pointer to receive the number of the frame in which the most recent data is stored. f_count = ctypes.c_int32(0) # is pointer to receive the number of frames captured since the capture operation was begun. If no frames have been captured, a value of –1 is returned self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_gettransferinfo(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(b_index), ctypes.byref(f_count)), "dcam_gettransferinfo") # Check that we have not acquired more frames than we can store in our buffer. # Keep track of the maximum backlog. cur_frame_number = f_count.value backlog = cur_frame_number - self.last_frame_number if backlog > self.number_image_buffers: print("warning: hamamatsu camera frame buffer overrun detected!") if backlog > self.max_backlog: self.max_backlog = backlog self.last_frame_number = cur_frame_number cur_buffer_index = b_index.value # Create a list of the new frames. new_frames = [] if cur_buffer_index < self.buffer_index: for i in range(self.buffer_index + 1, self.number_image_buffers): new_frames.append(i) for i in range(cur_buffer_index + 1): new_frames.append(i) else: for i in range(self.buffer_index, cur_buffer_index): new_frames.append(i+1) self.buffer_index = cur_buffer_index if self.debug: print(new_frames) return new_frames def setPropertyValue(self, property_name, property_value): """Set the value of a property. @param property_name The name of the property. @param property_value The value to set the property to. """ # Check if the property exists. if not (property_name in print(" unknown property name: %s"%property_name) return False # If the value is text, figure out what the # corresponding numerical property value is. if (type(property_value) == type("")): text_values = self.getPropertyText(property_name) if (property_value in text_values): property_value = float(text_values[property_value]) else: print(" unknown property text value: %s for %s"%(property_value, property_name)) return False # Check that the property is within range. [pv_min, pv_max] = self.getPropertyRange(property_name) if (property_value < pv_min): print(" set property value %s is less than minimum of %s %s setting to minimum"%(property_value,pv_min,property_name)) property_value = pv_min if (property_value > pv_max): print( " set property value %s is greater than maximum of %s %s setting to maximum"%(property_value,pv_min,property_name)) property_value = pv_max # Set the property value, return what it was set too. prop_id =[property_name] p_value = ctypes.c_double(property_value) self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_setgetpropertyvalue(self.camera_handle, ctypes.c_int32(prop_id), ctypes.byref(p_value), ctypes.c_int32(DCAM_DEFAULT_ARG)), "dcam_setgetpropertyvalue") return p_value.value def setSubArrayMode(self): """This sets the sub-array mode as appropriate based on the current ROI.""" # Check ROI properties. roi_w = self.getPropertyValue("subarray_hsize")[0] roi_h = self.getPropertyValue("subarray_vsize")[0] # If the ROI is smaller than the entire frame turn on subarray mode if roi_w == self.max_width and roi_h == self.max_height: self.setPropertyValue("subarray_mode", 1) # OFF else: self.setPropertyValue("subarray_mode", 2) # ON def startAcquisition(self): """ Start data acquisition.""" self.captureSetup() # Allocate Hamamatsu image buffers. # We allocate enough to buffer 2 seconds of data. n_buffers = int(2.0*self.getPropertyValue("internal_frame_rate")[0]) self.number_image_buffers = n_buffers self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_allocframe(self.camera_handle, ctypes.c_int32(self.number_image_buffers)), "dcam_allocframe") # Start acquisition. self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_capture(self.camera_handle), "dcam_capture") def stopAcquisition(self): """Stop data acquisition.""" self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_idle(self.camera_handle), "dcam_idle") print("max camera backlog was %s of %s"%(self.max_backlog, self.number_image_buffers)) self.max_backlog = 0 # Free image buffers. self.number_image_buffers = 0 self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_freeframe(self.camera_handle), "dcam_freeframe") def shutdown(self): """Close down the connection to the camera.""" self.checkStatus(self.dcam.dcam_close(self.camera_handle), "dcam_close")
[docs]class HamamatsuCameraMR(HamamatsuCamera): """# Memory recycling camera class. This version allocates "user memory" for the Hamamatsu camera buffers. This memory is also the location of the storage for the np_array element of a HCamData() class. The memory is allocated once at the beginning, then recycled. This means that there is a lot less memory allocation & shuffling compared to the basic class, which performs one allocation and (I believe) two copies for each frame that is acquired. WARNING: There is the potential here for chaos. Since the memory is now shared there is the possibility that downstream code will try and access the same bit of memory at the same time as the camera and this could end badly. FIXME: Use lockbits (and unlockbits) to avoid memory clashes? This would probably also involve some kind of reference counting scheme.""" def __init__(self, camera_id): """@param camera_id The id of the camera.""" HamamatsuCamera.__init__(self, camera_id) self.hcam_data = [] self.hcam_ptr = False self.old_frame_bytes = -1 self.setPropertyValue("output_trigger_kind[0]", 2)
[docs] def getFrames(self): """Gets all of the available frames. This will block waiting for new frames even if there new frames available when it is called. FIXME: It does not always seem to block? The length of frames can be zero. Are frames getting dropped? Some sort of race condition? return [frames, [frame x size, frame y size]] """ frames = [] for n in self.newFrames(): frames.append(self.hcam_data[n]) return [frames, [self.frame_x, self.frame_y]]
[docs] def startAcquisition(self): """Allocate as many frames as will fit in 2GB of memory and start data acquisition.""" self.captureSetup() # Allocate new image buffers if necessary. # Allocate as many frames as can fit in 2GB of memory. if (self.old_frame_bytes != self.frame_bytes): n_buffers = int((0.1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)/self.frame_bytes) self.number_image_buffers = n_buffers # Allocate new image buffers. ptr_array = ctypes.c_void_p * self.number_image_buffers self.hcam_ptr = ptr_array() self.hcam_data = [] for i in range(self.number_image_buffers): hc_data = HCamData(self.frame_bytes) self.hcam_ptr[i] = hc_data.getDataPtr() self.hcam_data.append(hc_data) self.old_frame_bytes = self.frame_bytes # Attach image buffers. # # We need to attach & release for each acquisition otherwise # we'll get an error if we try to change the ROI in any way # between acquisitions. self.checkStatus(dcam.dcam_attachbuffer(self.camera_handle, self.hcam_ptr, ctypes.sizeof(self.hcam_ptr)), "dcam_attachbuffer") # Start acquisition. self.checkStatus(dcam.dcam_capture(self.camera_handle), "dcam_capture")
[docs] def stopAcquisition(self): """Stops the acquisition and releases the memory associated with the frames.""" # Stop acquisition. self.checkStatus(dcam.dcam_idle(self.camera_handle), "dcam_idle") # Release image buffers. if (self.hcam_ptr): self.checkStatus(dcam.dcam_releasebuffer(self.camera_handle), "dcam_releasebuffer") print("max camera backlog was: %s"%self.max_backlog) self.max_backlog = 0
# # Testing. # if __name__ == "__main__": print('MAIN') print ("found: %s cameras"%n_cameras) if (n_cameras > 0): hcam = HamamatsuCamera(0) print(hcam.setPropertyValue("defect_correct_mode", 1)) print("camera 0 model:", hcam.getModelInfo(0)) # List support properties. if 0: print("Supported properties:") props = hcam.getProperties() for i, id_name in enumerate(sorted(props.keys())): [p_value, p_type] = hcam.getPropertyValue(id_name) p_rw = hcam.getPropertyRW(id_name) read_write = "" if (p_rw[0]): read_write += "read" if (p_rw[1]): read_write += ", write" print(" %s)%s = %s type is:%s,%s"%(i,id_name,p_value,p_type,read_write)) text_values = hcam.getPropertyText(id_name) if (len(text_values) > 0): print(" option / value") for key in sorted(text_values, key = text_values.get): print(" %s/%s"%(key,text_values[key])) # Test setting & getting some parameters. if 1: print(hcam.setPropertyValue("exposure_time", 0.001)) #print(hcam.setPropertyValue("subarray_hsize", 2048)) #print(hcam.setPropertyValue("subarray_vsize", 2048)) print(hcam.setPropertyValue("subarray_hpos", 512)) print(hcam.setPropertyValue("subarray_vpos", 512)) print(hcam.setPropertyValue("subarray_hsize", 1024)) print(hcam.setPropertyValue("subarray_vsize", 1024)) print(hcam.setPropertyValue("binning", "1x1")) print(hcam.setPropertyValue("readout_speed", 2)) hcam.setSubArrayMode() hcam.startAcquisition() hcam.stopAcquisition() params = ["internal_frame_rate", "timing_readout_time", "exposure_time", "image_height", "image_width", "image_framebytes", #"buffer_framebytes", #"buffer_rowbytes", #"buffer_top_offset_bytes", "subarray_hsize", "subarray_vsize", "binning"] for param in params: print(param, hcam.getPropertyValue(param)[0]) # Test acquisition. if 0: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt hcam.startAcquisition() cnt = 1 for i in range(300): [frames, dims] = hcam.getFrames() for aframe in frames: print(cnt, aframe[0:5]) cnt += 1 hcam.stopAcquisition() plt.imshow(aframe) # # The MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2013 Zhuang Lab, Harvard University # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. #